
Hellerwork Session FAQ’s

Hellerwork Session FAQ’s

Q: What kind of conditions does Hellerwork treat?

A: Hellerwork has been found to be very effective in relieving chronic pain conditions, muscle aches, joint dysfunctions, injury recovery, daily overuse, low energy, digestive issues, TMJ, and headaches (to name a few). It is also helpful in addressing mental and emotional dis-ease, including depression, anxiety, low mood, difficulties concentrating, low libido, and stress.
Q: What should I expect in my first session?
A: Our initial session will include a brief intake so that I can understand the history of your body, injuries, trauma, medical conditions, etc. We will do an assessment of your structure, both standing and moving, to determine the main areas of restriction and how to best work with you. The bulk of the session is bodywork, done on a massage table (although seated and standing work may be included). Before, during, and after the bodywork there are body awareness cues and movement lessons to better your understanding of your body and its function.
Q: Is it like a massage?
A: Structural Integration is a different form of manual therapy than massage. While some of the work might feel like a massage because of our use of a variety of pressure on the tissue, the approach of S.I. is to release the tissue in a way that suits your body coming back to it’s structural integrity. Additionally, as a client, you are participating in the session with your full presence and being. Throughout the session I will offer breathing and movement guidance to further aid the manual work that I am giving.
Q: What do I wear?
A: We all have different levels of modesty, so please wear what you are most comfortable in. Appropriate options for all genders include sports bras, regular bras, tank tops, workout shorts, bathing suits, or underwear.
Q: Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my treatment session?
A: Arrive to the session in a similar manner as your would for a workout or class. It’s best not to eat a large meal before or plan a strenuous activity for after a treatment. Your body will need time to integrate the work.
Q: How might I feel after a treatment?
A: You may be sore after a session, as if you had a decent workout. This should not last more than 24-48 hours. Afterward, you may continue to feel the openness and fluidity that we created in the session. Or, you may feel a bit “awkward” or out of place as your body reconfigures itself to a new way of aligning.
Q: Where did Hellerwork come from?
A: Hellerwork was created by Joseph Heller in 1978. He started off as an aerospace engineer, then shifted into humanistic psychology, training in bioenergetics and gestalt. He then studied closely under Ida Rolf, the originator of structural integration, and became the first president of the Rolf Institute in 1975. Throughout the ‘70s, he received further training in movement with Judith Aston and in preventative and energetic medicine with Brugh Joy, which contributed to the creation and development of Hellerwork Structural Integration.

Sessions at theta are provided by Theresa Elwell. Theresa has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, is a Certified Hellerwork™ Structural Integration Practitioner and a Movement Specialist. Her services include Hellerwork™ sessions and group movement classes in the heartland of Omaha, Nebraska.

Kelly Langfeldt

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