
Hellerwork Structural Integration

Hellerwork Structural Integration

Welcome to the possibility of a radically new way of embodying your life experience. It’s time to come back into connection with the truth of who you are, and the incredible power and wisdom that lies within you. It is my passion and my joy to serve you.
-Theresa Elwell

Hellerwork Structural Integration is a bodywork, movement, and dialogue process that addresses all aspects of being human: body, mind, spirit, energy and emotions.
The primary goal of the work is to release tension and compensation patterns in the body, and to bring the body back to its natural alignment for ongoing relief. This process involves clearing emotional and psychological strain that has been entrapped in the body. The results of the work are feelings of freedom, ease, and vitality.
It’s like hitting the re-set button.

The primary goal of Hellerwork™ S.I. is to get you feeling better in your body.

More fluid. More connected. More powerful. More “you.”

We achieve this through 3 main components:

Structural Bodywork – Deep tissue bodywork that focuses on the fascia (connective tissue) of the body. We unstick what is stuck in order for you to be naturally aligned in our field of gravity. This helps to reduce chronic tension and return the body to a state of balance, comfort, and fluidity.
Movement Education – Brings an embodied awareness to each individual’s postural tendencies and movement habits in order to not re-create the same tension and misalignments as before. Movement lessons and exercises are offered to support the newly gained freedom and fluidity in the body.
Psychosomatic Dialogue – Awakens a deeper awareness of how emotional and psychological states affect the physical body, and vice versa. In recognizing mental and emotional patterns, we can become empowered to make choices towards our greater well being.

“To lose our connection with the body is to become spiritually homeless. Without an anchor we float aimlessly, battered by the winds and waves of life.”
— Anodea Judtih

The Series
There are 11 sessions organized in a systematic sequence in order to work through all of the individual parts and layers of the body. The series is divided into three groups of sections in order to facilitate this layer-by-layer release:
The Superficial Sessions
Sessions #1-3 focus on the surface, or “superficial” layers and connective tissues in your body, the ones associated with those muscles that are near the surface of your body – also called the “sleeve” muscles.
The Core Sessions
Sessions #4-7 focus on the deeper musculature and connective tissues in your body. These core muscles, also called “intrinsic,” assist you in fine motor movement, which helps to produce easeful and fluid movement. Prior to Hellerwork, these muscles are often underutilized, tight and immobile.
The Integrative Sessions
Sessions #8-11 will integrate your core and sleeve tissues and layers. Rotational pattern reversal and overall healthy joint functionality are goals of these integrative sessions.

Kelly Langfeldt

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